More on Katrina "Murders"
Well, to me at first glance, it seems that Dr. Pou did the compassionate thing, if in fact she did in fact give those patients lethal doses of morphine and Versed (strange they mentioned Ativan yesterday...). The article doesn't state the condition of the first patient, the 90 year old woman, but the 89 year-old woman had two gangrenous legs, and dementia. I can only imagine how that womans disease progressed without power to keep her antibiotics and other medications cool. This woman likely needed to go to the OR for amputation and debridement of necrotic tissue. She wasn't going to get better sitting in 100 degree heat, and filth. And the 380 lbs. paralyzed man, must have been difficult to care for. You can't let people suffer, but unfortunately even in the best of situations I've seen families refuse to withdraw care even when the patient is suffering greatly. Unfortunately the loved ones left behind may never understand that if they did it, it was likely out of compassion rather than malice. Dr. Pou and the two nurses should not go to prison.