Your Daily Bowel Prep

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pediatrician Takes on the Anti-Vaccination Movement

A stumbled upon KevinMD's Blog while I was Googling for information on the anti-vaccination movement, which in turn lead me to the L.A. Times article. Apparently this movement seems to be catching on in the online black community (or maybe just the nutty sites to which I've found myself strangely attracted lately). As there is already a fair amount of mistrust of the medical establishment by the black community due to past unethical behavior such as Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, I think it's important to speak up to address the current rumors and conspiracy theories.

I'm considering starting a series of posts addressing some of the most common medical misconceptions/conspiracy theories floating around. Since the "Natural Remedy" industry is near and dear to my heart (my mother gravitates towards this movement), I will start there on my next post. But I'll take requests.


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