Oh, God(less)...
This story made me think about what it means to be a "believer" or person of "faith" as it's often referred to. There are people who claim to be believers, but their actions don't seem to confirm their stated beliefs. I tend to think that atheists and agnostics are just more honest than most people who claim to be Christians. Now, before I became a physician I spent time in the military, the U.S. Marine Corps specifically. Have you ever spent time with Marines? It's not like hanging out with Choir boys. I liken the beliefs of many military personnel to fire insurance. They say and do the things they think will keep them alive in a dangerous situation, and keep them from going to hell...if it turns out that such a place exists. I guarantee, that once the bullets stop coming from down range, and they are out at the strip club the last thing on their mind is God. There may be no atheists in a fighting hole, but there are plenty near the strippers pole. I guess I could have said all of this with one word: hypocrisy.
My daughter was in 9th grade in 2001. When 9/11 happened she struggled to make sense of it. (As did we all, I guess.) One of the things she struggled with was the idea that the hijackers were acting out of their religion. I told her about the reports that they hung out in clubs in Florida where they trained, where there were strippers and so forth, and drank a lot, which Muslims aren't supposed to do. So whatever they were acting out of, bloodymindedness or whatever, it wasn't an excess of devotion to God.
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