Your Daily Bowel Prep

GoLytely for your head...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Since I've been gone...

Wow, I didn't think the world could sink any deeper into the proverbial handbasket speeding off to hell. More evidence that humans are the nastiest of species . I love all living creatures but I never thought I would agree with PETA, but then I never thought I'd agree with anything crazy old Pat Buchanan had to say either. There are days that I wake up and ask myself have we all lost our fucking minds? Indiscriminate, wanton violence is supposed to be in our distant past. Lately, I've been spending some time arguing with a "Neocon" blogger named Cobb. I don't like labels, but sometimes it's necessary. I do get a little angry in my posts to him, which is usually not my style...but oh, well, everyone has their trigger. Don't get me wrong, I like his blog alot, and try not to mix peoples ideology with their person. I think it's important to discuss issues with people with whom you absolutely do not agree, otherwise you are just patting yourself on the back. He reminds me of my right wing Uncle.

Well at least I had a nice vacation in California last week, and got to spend some quality time with my son and my nephews. Since I returned home a few days ago I've been poking around some Lebanon blogs.

I wanted to include some anti-war Israeli blogs but haven't found too many. I know they are out there. If anyone comes across any, please send them to me.


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